peringatan : kemungkinan membahas bunuh diri, ableisme, rasisme, eugenika, serta kemungkinan victim mentality, bahasa kasar, tulisan anak tidak tahu diri, tulisan jelek, tulisan yang pantas dimarahi seperti komunitas marah marah, penyebutan ABA sebagai abuse, tulisan yang dibenci HRD se Indonesia Raya (jaga jaga)
hello everyone,
just gonna say in lowercase that, due to writer existential and moral crisis that happened after i graduated, i'm not updating blog since september last year. especially in the age when genocide happens and everything feels like irony and tasted sour. do i have blog ideas? many. but all of that ended up just in draft cause it's either too marketing-like-material-that-seo-wants-but-i-dont-like-it or this-things-rather-left-in-draft-cause-its-too-wild.
Hello everyone, PujP here.
How's life?
It has been almost 7 month from my last update, and I wanted to say that I do some changes that not iterated on last update. I feel that I started to realized that many of my posts is a mirror to my self nowadays, and I wanted to embrace it by changing it to what's relevant to me now and in the future. So, for tldr :
- I'm drafting all of my organizational posts on my main weblog cause I think they're not that relevant anymore for me. But I may change my mind later and republish back with one LAST post about IOMS and my experience at least by March 2024.
- I'm also changing my about page on main weblogsite to reflect this inner change.
- Changing a lot of about weblogsite page cause some of them actually didn't reflect what actually happens.
- Change some links on about weblogsite page cause some project is no longer maintained and probably can't maintained anymore with my own capabilities.
Also, on this update post, I want to say that I will organize my published short story rewrite, and future long fictional writing on separate website that not writing platform. I don't think I can handle gamification and socialmediafication of writing platform nowadays (even substack, I completely ignored the social media side of the platform). So I'll make it on doc site that allow profile and folders. But, that's for future reference for at least by 2024.
I think I said enough. I'll come here again with post if I can. Have a nice day.
from living tree,

Hello everyone, PujP here.
It is been too long since my last update on main blog and it's even longer here. I just finished my last task as an student and finally graduated. Knowing how psychology education will change their system and I'm not occupied yet, I spent most of my time gaming, reading a lot of people convo in internet and also reading tons of book from the most scientific one to the most questionable one.
I don't know what lies in the future, bu I'll try to update blog again from now. there are a lot of things I wanna write, but there's some :
- the organizations series, which is ironic since the last post is 2019 and most of student organizations is already much changed plus I graduated.
- some of takeaway about how psychology gonna develop in the future (I'm not a doctorate, but I read psychology paper a lot)
- more news to come soon.
from living tree,